Everyday on my way to work I pass by a place called Got Pizza? It boasts "authentic New York style giant slices." And while I love the Chicago Style pizza with which I have grown up, every now and then I want a big slice that I can just fold in half and go to town on. So when I decided to stop in today I was a little sad that all I ended up with was a big slice of disappointment.
The first thing I saw when I walked in was a guy sitting behind the counter reading the help wanted ads. Encouraging! Then I asked for a slice of cheese (which was way overpriced), and was left waiting for three minutes while they heated it up. I then watched in horror as the guy took my beautiful giant slice and cut it down the middle, making two smaller slices. What is the point of boasting giant slices if you are just going to cut them in half?! Sigh. In the end it didn't even taste that great.
Chicago may be the second city to New York, but it's clearly not second when it comes to pizza.
Sliced, Josh
Got Pizza?
1234 N Halsted St.
Chicago, IL 60622